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Pain Relief at the Touch of a Hand

The Pain Stops Here

The Art and Science of Palpation, Accupressure and Lymphatic Massage

Massage is an ancient healing art and has become a modern science. This book provides an evidence-based approach to Palpation, Acupressure, and Lymphatic Massage. It includes Pressure Point Charts and a reference guide. 

By understanding the anatomy and physiology of soft tissue fascia and its function, you can now apply massage intelligently. Pressure point massage also helps with internal organ and joint regeneration.

For Patients, Practitioners, and Payers.

Chapter 1: Introduction - The Importance of Touch - The History of Massage

Chapter 2: The Origin of Pain and Disease. Inflammation, Nociceptors and Mast Cells.

Chapter 3: Sympathetic Nervous System-Stress-Emotions and Muscle Guarding. 

Chapter 4: How to Use Pressure Points to Relieve Pain.

Chapter 5: The Skin, Fascia, Nociceptors/Pain Perception, Lymphatic Blockage. 

Chapter 6: Case History Taking. The Pain Tension Cycle.

Chapter 7: Acute, Sub-acute, Chronic and Chronic Acute Stages. Use of Wraps, Ice and Heat.

Chapter 8: Palpation - Soft Tissue Assessment and Treatment Evaluation.

Chapter 9: Joint Function and Regenerative Medicine

Chapter 10: Nerve Impedence, Reflexes and Symapthtic Dystrophy. 

Chapter 11: Regeneration of Organ Functions.

Chapter 12: First Aid and Sports Massage.

Chapter 13: Swedish Techniques Effleurage, Petrissage, Kneading, Cross Friction.

Chapter 14: Evidence Based Medicine/Pratices (Ebm/Ebp).

Chapter 15: Objective Measurement Tools for Pain.

Prior to graduating from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy my roots go back to massaging both my parent’s as a small child and into my teen years when I got married. I was very young (17), when my husband broke his back and wanted massages all day long (in those days it was considered my wifely duty). He was back to work doing tire retreading in 3 weeks and 20 years later, he informed me he does not have any residual back pain.


Once we understand the science that underlies the various forms of touch therapeutics, we can then apply massage scientifically. This knowledge will provide profound benefits and give answers for those who suffer needlessly.

My patients affectionately call me “Owie Cowie” I have been a Medical Massage Therapist RMT for 36 years.

Me In my medical practice I not only use traditional massage techniques but also combine this with acupressure, trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage and reflexology. Massage practice has shown me that when practiced scientifically, can offer the most profound way of treating pain and many common conditions. Teaching massage to others has been an important part of my career. In 1991 I purchased Mtn Spa Institute for fascia research. 


At Mtn Spa Institute Retreat Center, I offer treatment and training. This book represents the outcomes of my 36 years in medical practice.

Research Work on Massage Therapy

Tiffany Field PhD, The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, has conducted over 100 studies on the positive effects of massage therapy on many functions and medical conditions in many different age groups. "We have looked at the A-to-Z of medical conditions, and we have not found a single condition massage has not been effective for. Basically, we have found massage to be effective in chronic pain syndromes in arthritis and diabetes; in depressive disorders such as ones that involve addiction like eating disorders; in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and other autoimmune disorders — HIV-associated diseases.” 


During my 36 years in medical practice, massage has shown me it offers the safest, simplest, most natural, and intuitive ways of relieving pain and discomfort known to man. When massage is properly applied and understood it can offer the most profound way of treating pain known to man. Teaching massage to others has been an important part of my career. 


My need to understand why this intuitive response to rub injuries may actually one day lead us discover the answer for most pain and many disease complaints.


Up until recently there has been little scientific knowledge of how massage works. Yet massage, when applied scientifically, offers the safest and most intuitive response to pain, which is to rub what hurts. 

My goal is to teach the underlying science of massage so the reader can safely apply massage in a way the replicates my hands.

A painting showing a man and a woman treating a child

About the Book

Portrait of Constance Fern Dawson

This book is for both lay persons and medical professionals as well as the insurance payers. I use many anecdotes to help make the information available to all readers. 


Massage belongs in every home medicine chest! This book explores the cause of pain and why and what types of massage benefit those suffering needlessly. Knowing the underlying science will help you to help yourself, friends and family with their muscle aches and pains, and also help with many common disease complaints.

This book contains an index of conditions and pressure points. Charts include pressure points, nerve points, reflex points, trigger points and lymphatic drainage pathways. It explains how inflammation is the cause of pain and how massage relieves it.


The science of how massage works is still in its infancy and yet I believe by truly understanding what pain is and how to resolve it with massage countless people will be saved from needless pain and suffering.

Palpation (examination by touch) was the first diagnostic tool; however, this skill can take years to perfect. It is important to learn to use your hands to heal safely, intuitively, and productively, this begins history of injury and the palpation exam. 

It is my life’s work to help people in pain, and to impart this knowledge to my patients and students. Palpation is the key and is used throughout the massage process. I am constantly improving this tactile listening skill.


In 1985, I graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. 

PhD taught our physiology program at the WCCMT. He trained us how to conduct basic research. Dr Yates hope was, Massage Therapist, could help explain the science of Massage and help advance pain research. We were the first Massage Therapist trained in enough physiology and research skills to consider this daunting task.


I immediately began to teach through continuing education workshops in Surrey Newton and White Rock BC.

In 1993 as a result of the research work, I had conducted while teaching massage I realized a thesis concept and eventually wrote my first scientific paper.


In 1998 I presented my Thesis findings to the Canadian Pain Society (a chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain) at their Annual General Congress held in Regina Saskatchewan.

The Sen-SORE Technology

My years of practice, teaching and research led me to develop a medical device to make pain visible. Sen~SORE measures soft tissue inflammation, the cause of pain. Pressure from Sen~SORE palpation head can, when applied scientifically, relieve most pain and improve blood flow through Pressure Points for regenerative Medicine.

Sen~SORE augments Palpation Physical Examination (PPE). The PPE provides measurable evidence of treatment efficacy. Sen~SORE assist users in locating and treating pain complaints throughout the body. 


John Armstrong PhD - The difficulty lies in proving that it hurts, other than just having to take a person’s word for it.”


Açu-point Biosensor for Assessment, Treatment and Evaluation Quad recorder (ABATE Qr)


This knowledge applied and practiced will be one day be recognized as the most important discovery of our time. This science will give us the answer to pain and many other common diseases. 

Pain is considered a national epidemic costing insurance company more than AIDS, cancer and arterial disease combined. Pain is processed, it is always real. Pain may be localized or defuse; it can range from mild to unbearable. Pain is an unpleasant and inevitable part of the human condition. 


90 percent of Americans feel massage is good for a person's health. Opinion Research Corp. International in Princeton, N.J., surveyed a national sample of 1,014 U.S. adults. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent.

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