Pressure Point Massage is a Safe and Natural way to improve your Health, Reduce Pain and Nip Disease in the Bud.
Workshops are conducted by Jocelyn W. Cowie. Jocelyn has been a medical massage therapist for over 36 years. She is the owner and operator of Mtn Spa Fascia Research Institute.
Massage belongs in every home medicine chest. Jocelyn offers 3 day or 7 day instructional workshops. Since 1985, she has Taught Massage to both lay persons, Medical Professionals and Athletic Trainers. Her background includes training in Auricular Points, Reflexology Points, Cranial Sacral, Polarity, and Swedish Techniques. Her workshops focus on Palpation, Acupressure Lymphatic Massage (PALM).
She has researched the rationale behind a myriad of techniques. Massage works by restoring blood flow locally and reflexively. This in turn allows the body to heal itself. Jocelyn feels strongly that once this knowledge of precision pressure point massage is disseminated, it will become the leading preventative means to help the body heal itself in the future. Massage can be used safely in the comfort of your home and belongs in every home medicine chest. She has developed techniques that work. She has been getting patients back to a state of wellbeing since she graduated.
Training Workshops on Palpation, Acupressure, Lymphatic, Massage (PALM)
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Acupressure Massage is a Natural and safe healing art practiced by every culture and used throughout history. Jocelyn teaches about the developing science of massage offering both introductory and advanced training workshops. Medical Massage is fast becoming known for its amazing health benefits.
Palpation massage is used for locating and treating Painful Pressure Points, relieving pain and treating many conditions including issues with the uterus, Prostrate, stomach, bowel, bladder, heart, lungs, liver, and pancreas, female and male organs. Pressure points are used for nerve impingement, arthritis, nerve impingement, neurological, fibromyalgia and a myriad of conditions. It would be good to understand the anatomy of pain receptivity and the process of soft tissue inflammation. Once understood, we can explain the reasons for the pain experience treat it knowledgeably.
Before modern diagnostic technologies arrived on the scene early disease detection relied on physician’s palpation skills. All medical practitioners are trained in palpation (the use of one’s hands to evaluate the soft tissues for indication of disease). Our hands can find painful points however palpation studies have shown that therapist have a high rate of unreliability unless they have studied under a palpation expert. It can take years of practice to develop sufficient tactile sensitivity to make someone an expert.
Palpation massage is used for locating and treating Painful Pressure Points, relieving pain and treating a myriad of conditions including issues with the stomach, bowel, bladder, heart, lungs, liver, and pancreas, female and male organs. Pressure points are used for nerve impingement, arthritis, nerve impingement, neurological, fibromyalgia and a myriad of conditions.
She teaches Palpation, Acupressure, Lymphatic, Massage (PALM) Training and is the Author of “Pain relief in the PALM of the Hand”
From the empirical history to a modern science, massage allows us to use our hands or Sen-SORE Technology to resolve most muscle aches and pains and many common disease complaints. By understanding the physiology of soft tissue inflammation as the cause of pain, we can better apply massage, learn to locate and treat pain, trigger, acupressure, and reflex points scientifically.
If you want to learn about pressure points and techniques that work, then you have found the right place. If are considering Massage Therapy as a Career, get your prerequisites from our introductory training 3 day training workshops at our Mtn Spa Retreat Center. Learn from Jocelyn W. Cowie a massage expert. She’ll help you kick-start your evidence-based practice or if you are already a medical professional or coach trainer, we can help you gain insights into the underlying science behind techniques provide optimized treatment outcomes.
Jocelyn has discovered how to use massage to restore blood flow which in turn promotes proper cellular function. She loves imparting this knowledge to the lay persons, Health Care Providers and Athletic Trainers. She explains exactly how to use PALM techniques so you too can practice this treasured knowledge.
Not only is Jocelyn an expert at massage, she has also written numerous scientific papers on both soft tissue pain diagnosis and its treatments. She is also an inventor and published researcher. She wrote her original thesis on massage physiology in 1993 presented her Thesis Paper at the Canadian Pain society. She is the founder of ASSESSx Technology and is the inventor of Sen-SORE.
You can read her book to better understand how these therapeutic techniques can benefit you and your loved ones. We hold workshops regularly for people who want to make this healing art and science a part of their personal and professional journey.
The workshops will also help you in developing your palpation skills to better locate, assess, and treat soft tissue inflammations. Our advanced training sessions are designed to offer treatments for like Sprains, Stains, Pain, CTS, Arthritis, TMJ, TOS, and Fibromyalgia and much more. Pressure points are used to treat most day-to-day complaints and should be caught early in the disease process before morbidity settles in.
Learn the role of the sympathetic nervous system and its effects in maintaining the pain tension cycle and how to resolve it safely, simply and naturally. Workshops include basics on soft tissue anatomy, nociception and pain physiology. Once you understand these principles, you’ll better grasp the knowledge behind Pressure Points, where to press, how to press and how long to press. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy – What Is It?
Most people assume that the area you feel as painful is the source of pain, yet the actual cause could be in a completely different location. Pressure points are found throughout the body and are associated with many disease conditions, and may be the underlying cause of symptoms felt as pain! These pressure points when manipulated in the right manner, can offer pain relief for individuals of all ages.
Ask about accredited Continuing Education workshops on Massage Physiology on soft tissue assessment and treatment.
Students will be taught an in-depth understanding of the physiology and anatomy of soft tissue inflammation and how this creates the pain tension cycle.
Pain, if not treated on time, can be a cause of serious problems and may often lead to chronic pain and degenerative tissue disorders. Studies say that 100 million North Americans suffer from chronic or long-term pain, 50 million are partially or totally disabled by long-term pain, 700 million workdays are lost by industry to chronic pain and 60 billion of industrial payroll dollars are consumed by undiagnosed pain sufferers. Understanding pain and how to control it can be the answer to needless suffering.
The workshops are not just for professionals but for anyone who wants to understand and learn pain management. We also conduct workshops for companies looking to reduce loss of time due to pain, stress, and injury.
2 nights 3 days 16 hours of training $1,495 Accommodation, meals, snacks and beverages are included as well as use of the Spa facility and recreational property.
Our intensive pain management workshops cover all aspects of massage therapy and acupressure techniques. Accommodation, meals, snacks and beverages are included as well as use of the Spa facility and recreational property. Below Kitchen dining room. 6 nights 7 day of training $2,495
Overview of the anatomy of the location of sensory nerves system
The role of inflammation
The responsibilities of the immune responses
The role of sympathetic nervous system
Physiological responses to injury and tissue repair
Biomechanics of joint physiology, cartilage regeneration.
What maintains the pain tension cycle
learn the biomechanics of joints
The Closed Gate Theory
An in-depth 7-day workshop, designed for coaches, trainers, Sen-SORE distributors, clinic managers and medical professionals, you will learn about:
The emotional factors that create muscle holding patterns and how they stagnate the lymphatic pump
The stimulation of nociceptive pain**** by inflammation
The ways to restoring proper functioning of internal organs through massage
The effects of stress on the pain-tension cycle
Skills will be demonstrated and practiced.
Therapists learn to accurately locate and reliability assess and treat soft-tissue damage
Hand-on practice of enhanced palpation skills using greater tactile sensitivity
Student will learn to explain their assessment of soft tissue inflammation before, during and after treatment.
Communicate soft tissue findings and results during treatment
Learn to give a rational reason for how many sessions and what you do and how it actually works.
Palpation for objectifying palpation findings
Handouts include Soft tissue checklist to map and chart palpation findings for objective treatment results.
Also available Sen-SORE Technology Training workshop
Learn Pain Management Techniques and treatments at Mtn Spa Institute in Grand Forks.
We can help you improve and gain more insight into the therapy you provide as a pain therapist.
Our intensive Pain Management Workshops cover all aspects of Massage Therapy and Acupressure Techniques.
The workshops are conducted by owner, Jocelyn W. Cowie, who is a Medical Professional and has been teaching Massage Techniques for over 36 years. She has been a medical massage therapist for over 36 years., and now works as a Medical Massage Therapist. Through her practice and research work, she has developed techniques that have helped many of her patients back to health and well-being.
Not only an expert in Massage and Acupressure, she is also an inventor and a scholar. Jocelyn has written numerous scientific papers on both pain diagnosis and treatments. She wrote her original thesis on Massage Physiology in 1993 and is the inventor of Sen-SORE technology
We hold regular workshops for professionals who want to make this healing science a part of their personal and professional journey.
We give you an opportunity to learn from the expert at our accredited continuing education workshops on soft tissue assessment and treatment.
Day 1
Students will be taught an in-depth understanding of the physiology and anatomy of soft tissue inflammation and how this creates the pain tension cycle.
The role of inflammation
The responsibilities of the immune responses
The role of sympathetic nervous system
Physiological responses to injury and tissue repair
Biomechanics of joint physiology, cartilage regeneration.
What maintains the pain tension cycle
The Closed Gate Theory
Overview of the anatomy of the location of sensory nerves system
Day 2
In this two-day workshop, designed for only medical professionals, you will learn about:
The emotional factors that create muscle holding patterns and how they stagnate the lymphatic pump
The stimulation of nociceptive pain**** by inflammation
The ways to restoring proper functioning of internal organs through massage
The effects of stress on the pain-tension cycle
Day 3
Skills will be demonstrated and practiced.
Therapists learn to accurately locate and reliability assess and treat soft-tissue damage
Hand-on practice of enhanced palpation skills using greater tactile sensitivity
Student will learn to explain their assessment of soft tissue inflammation before, during and after treatment.
Communicate soft tissue findings and results during treatment
Learn to give a rational reason for how many sessions and why massage actually works.
record-keeping and objectifying palpation findings
Handouts include a soft tissue checklist (a record-keeping and scaling method for calibration of palpation findings).
The workshops will also help you in developing your palpation skills to better locate, assess, and treat soft tissue lesions. Our sessions are designed to offer treatments for problems like CTS, arthritis, TMJ, TOS, and fibromyalgia by focusing on trigger points or pressure points. If you want to learn the biomechanics of joints and the role of the sympathetic nervous system in pain management, this workshop is for you. We educate you about soft tissue pain anatomy and physiology in order to help you understand pain deeply. You will also learn how to use the gate control theory of pain to decrease pain during treatment.
Trigger points are painful when pressed on, cause a shortening of the muscle fibres, and have a special property called referred pain. Referred pain means that a trigger point in one muscle can create pain in another area. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy – What Is It?
A unique feature that distinguishes trigger points from other muscle pain is that trigger points almost always refer to pain in other areas of the body. This is why many treatments are ineffective. Most treatments assume that the area of pain should also be the source of pain, yet the actual cause could be in a completely different location. Trigger Points and their referred pain can be associated with many conditions, and may even cause some of them!
Pressure points are found throughout the body. These pressure points are points that, when manipulated in the right manner, can offer pain relief for individuals of all ages.
The Gate Control Theory – “Theories of pain: from specificity to gate control”. Journal of Neurophysiology Moayedi, M.; Davis, K. D. (October 2012).
Myofascial [mī·ōfa′shē·əl] “pertaining to a muscle and its sheath of connective tissue, or fascia.” Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.